

International Page


Welcome to the Symbioz main homepage. Symbioz is a francophone community concerning public transport systems in France and most notably in the region Île-de-France, the region where Paris is located.

Since this website is about French public transport and almost all of our visitors and members are French, this site is almost completely in French. If you're interested in the material that can be found on this website, or you're looking for something in particular but you cannot find it as a result of not mastering the French language, you can always post a message on our discussion forum or contact the management team of Symbioz by the contact form. You can contact us in English, German or Dutch (and French of course). Other languages are not spoken by the management team and will therefore be ignored.

Public transport is a phenomenon that touches millions of people every day, world wide. Every country has somewhat its own system and network. We focus on the French public transport systems, mostly focused on those of Paris and its direct surroundings. Keywords here are the Parisian subway and the express network called R.E.R.
But we also provide information on public transport systems outside of Paris. For example we also cover the TGV, the French high speed trains that connect all large French cities and run at a commercial speed of 300 km/h.

For every member of our community there are one or more fields of interest, but one thing binds us all: we share a certain passion about public transport in general. When people are interested in certain things, they become more and more motivated to know a lot about the subject. It's exactly that which led to a modern system which you're currently looking at.

For those visitors who are looking for more practical information about the organization and management: Symbioz has a team of four persons who form the management, which consist of one administrator and three moderators. The website with all its components is written by the administrator Cyrille Raemaekers, a Master of Science engineer in Computer Science. For more information about the computer science background, you can have a look at SymbiozCope is an article based system which is used by a selection of members of the community who have editorial rights in order to make their own articles or change existing ones. 'Symbioz' is a derivative of the word 'symbiose' which means 'cooperation'. It's exactly that, which characterizes our community and this website. If you’re looking for more specific information, you can address a message to the management by using the contact form.

If you were looking for the former transport section of the CR-Corporation Homepage, you can still find it here. Since this part has now fusioned with SymbiozCope, there will be no further development to this old section.

Happy surfing,

The Symbioz Management Team

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